Dekpol Shares

Basic data on the Company's shares listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Shareholder Structure

  • 0
  • 25
  • 50
  • 75
  • 100
  • 77.33%
  • 8.13%
  • 14.54%

*On the basis of the number of shares registered at the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the Company called as at 28 June 2019.

Public Offer


On 27.11.2014 Financial Supervision Authority, which is a supervisory body over the capital market in Poland, approved the prospectus of Dekpol Spółka Akcyjna with its registered office in Pinczyn (“Company”), prepared in a form of a consolidated document in relation to the public subscription not less than 1 and not more than 2,300,000 Series B ordinary bearer shares with a face value PLN 1 each, the sale of up to 650,000 Series A ordinary bearer shares with a face value PLN 1 each, offered by the Seller within the framework of public sale (Shares for Sale), applying for the admittance and introduction into trading in the regulated market of 6,410,000 Series A shares with a face value of PLN 1, not less than 1 and not more than 2,300,000 Series B Shares with a face value of PLN 1 and not less than 1 and not more than 2,300,000 Rights to Series B Shares.

The prospectus constitutes the only legally binding document including information on the Company and the Public Offer. The electronic version of prospectus was published in accordance with article 45 and article 47 of the Public Offer of Financial Instruments Act of 29 July 2005 (JoL of 2009 No. 185, item 1439 as amended).

The public offer is carried out only in the territory of the Republic of Poland. Information included on this page should not be published or distributed outside the Republic of Poland. This Prospectus cannot be treated as a proposal or an offer to purchase outside the Republic of Poland. Neither prospectus nor securities covered by it were the subject of registration, confirmation or notification in any country outside the Republic of Poland, in particular in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 4 November 2003 on a prospectus published in relation to a public offer or admittance of securities into trading and amending Directive 2001/34/EC or provisions of law concerning offering of securities applicable in the United States of North America. Securities covered by this Prospectus cannot be offered outside the Republic of Poland (including in the territory of other European Union countries and the United States of North America), unless in a specific country such an offer may be made in accordance with the law, without the necessity to fulfil any additional legal requirements. Neither the Company nor any other entity operating on its behalf or for its benefit will undertake in the future any action which could be deemed a public offer of the Company`s shares covered in this Prospectus in any country outside the Republic of Poland.

Provisions applicable in certain countries outside the Republic of Poland may limit the spread of information included on the webpages. Each Investor residing in or having their registered office outside the Republic of Poland should review the provisions of the Polish law and the legal provisions of other countries which may be applicable to them.

Prior to making an investment decision, the investor should carefully review the content of the prospectus, including risk factors included in the prospectus as well as potential amendments which may be published thereto.

Note: by accepting this restriction, you confirm reviewing it and express consent to the limitations included in it.