Career in Dekpol

In relation with a dynamic development of Dekpol Group we are increasing our staff number. Check, what jobs we are recruiting now!

Benefits from working for Dekpol

Our Team is created by ambitious, creative and committed people who are responsible for resilient development of our Company. Together we realise the mission of Dekpol. At present our Team comprises 290 employees. We systematically increase employment, becoming one of the largest employers in the region. We also employ persons with disability certificate and employees in the age group of 50+.

Stable Employment

We offer a stable work without a sudden and groundless staff rotation. We ensure fair remuneration paid on time.

Friendly atmosphere

We support integration of our Employees, by organising events and occasions. We are keen on the work becoming a pleasant obligation.

Tailored career

We treat every Employee individually; paving their career based on his/her skills and predispositions.

Who we are looking for

  • Persons possessing qualifications to work on a given position
  • Communicative
  • Perfectly organised
  • Ambitious
  • Interested in increasing of qualifications
  • Experienced
  • Responsible and independent
  • Caring for the highest quality of the services provided

What do we offer?

  • Work for a Company of a stable position on the market
  • Attractive work conditions
  • Participation in new interesting projects
  • Supporting professional development

Contact us

I agree for processing of my personal data by Dekpol S.A. and / or its subsidiaries for the purposes of execution of the future recruitment procedures.